SEO Article & Blog

April 01, 2011

Google Stopping Unusual Traffic from Your Computer


Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network

You may see above statement interrupting you sometimes while doing your regular browsing over internet.

Google says they are experiencing an “unusual traffic” from your computer system.

This means either Google has decided what could be the limit a computer system can make usage of, or they are deciding based on your History of searches.

How can Google just average the search capacity of each computer. It is so obvious that each individual has different mind-set while looking for same category and same product. So this is completely insane that if 10 person are looking for a product and make their decision after an average of 8 page searches, then every other person will do that in a same way.

Similarly, we you consider that Google is keeping a record of your past records with your IP address, then how can you predict that how many clicks on Google search is necessary for making a decision while buying a “Air-Ticket” online, if you bought a Book online from eZone in just 3-4 clicks.

Sounds confused!!!!!!!

Well we don’t know how Google has concluded on this.

Also, the funny thing is there are inputs that if you clear your computer cache, then it may help.

But personally, I am not very sure on this. Because the error page itself shows that it is referring to the IP address for your computer. Then how does clearing ‘cache’ can address the issue.

The various possibilities that Google says could be there for these “Unusual Traffics” are
1. Malicious Software
2. A Browser Plug-in
3. A script sending automated requests.
4. A different computer with same IP address.

A very genuine reason for Google taking this step is to STOP various automated tools available, which generates the result for few standards provided. These tools used for research purpose, reporting purpose or analysis purpose, are created to go through lots of data available online.

This process makes the Google server busy. Hence they have included an option for “CAPTCHA”, as these tools are unable to detect it.

So the main motive of the search giant is to stop these automated tools from making the server busy so that Human looking for their information will get descent speed.

Whatever may be the case, this will be a big problem for all those who had already spend lots of Dollars in buying these automated tools.

For any kind Internet marketing related query, Please contact:
Prateek Samuel
Asst. Manager - Operations
Himshilp: Internet Marketing Consultants / Rainmaker Interactive Pvt. Ltd.


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