What do a viewer hate in website

What do a viewer hate in website
- A 'Black Hat' approach for SEO
A task of a seo professional is not limited to bring a traffic to a website. The important asspect that should be kept in mind that a viewer likes your website. He can easily get or navigate to the specific infomration he needed.
Say No to Pop ups
Pop up's gives very much irritations to your viewer so try to avoid them. Think yourself in a situation where you are trying to read an interesting article & a stupid add is bothering you again and again for downloading free wallpaper for your computer. No need to answer this, because every regular internet user has been through this and all of us have the same answer, then why to irritate our viewer.
Avoid Broken Links
Broken links, Dead links, will cast a very bad impression on the page, so the website.A viewer while nevigating a website clicks on a link because he thinks that he'll get what ever information he is looking for. But a dead link can make him think to switch over to some other website. Keep your website well maintained, and after every alteration check all the affecte pages.
Don't make compulsions
Dont make compulsion for registration even to get general idea about your site. if is it required then just ask what is absolutely necessary. No one likes typing too much.Generally this sort of ideas are provided by people on the management side of the business the website is handleing. Even they are not completely wrong, because this is how they can concentrate more on their customer. But unknowingly they are loosing visitors. Never make copulsion, leave it to viewer only. He'll provide you the information about himself if he wants to do so. Although if he is not interested in giving you any information, let him understand completely what is the website all about.
Slow uploading of website.
Many webdesigners fill their web pages with lots of flashes, effects and heavy images. This ultimatly make the page to load slow on the system. This is the duration in which a viewer can be diverted from some another lucrative website, advertisements, or your compiting website if he is using search engine.
Prateek Samuel is an Associate working with Himshilp which specializes in providing SEO Services and helps websites in optimizing ROI through various marketing methodologies like PPC programs, Managing Affiliate Programs and Search Engine Optimization.
For more details, please contact:
Prateek Samuel
Associate (SEO Professional)
Himshilp: Internet Marketing Consultants
web: http://www.himshilp.com/
Labels: India, seo bangalore, seo company, seo professional, SEO Services